Meet the Humans Behind Reviewsnap Support
Hey there! We're so excited to work with you, and help you level up your performance reviews. No really - it is our favorite part about our job! Read on to learn about the real humans behind the Recruiterbox Support team!
Got a question for us or just want to say Hi? You can reach us at!
Grace answers the support tickets you all send in, and also hosts our webinars from Liberty, Kentucky. Her favorite Reviewsnap feature is custom review lists because they allow you to pull such a wide variety of information! You can chat with Grace about how rating calculations work (she's a pro!), or how to build stellar review forms. Grace also loves hiking, horror movies, and playing Neopets. Want to make her day? Send her a photo of your pets!
Ryan crushes our ticket queue from Seattle, Washington. He's the one around for your Pacific-Coast hour ticket needs! His favorite Reviewsnap feature is the custom welcome messages - such an easy way to keep your employees informed! You can chat with Ryan about building out your next performance review, and he's an expert at our E-Learning Platform - Mindflash, as well as our Applicant Tracking system - Recruiterbox! Ryan also loves being outside, spending time with friends, and every eating every donut he can find.
Matt answers your needs from Lawrence, Kansas. His favorite Reviewsnap feature are custom lists - because they let you pull so much data. You can chat with Matt as well about our E-Learning Platform - Mindflash, or our Applicant Tracking system - Recruiterbox! Matt also loves to swap travel stories, chat about innovative ideas in technology … or break down the Packers’ most recent victory.
Chelsea manages all the people and all the things from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her favorite Reviewsnap feature is 360-rater feedback - because it allows you to collect important information from peers - or even individuals external to your organization! You can chat with Chelsea about performance reviews, hiring, e-learning, and building relationships while managing remote teams. Chelsea also loves spending time outdoors, kayaking, and giant soft pretzels.